Easter will be different this year. No church service. No family gatherings. COVID-19 has changed the way we live…At least for now. We all watch the news, people are suffering and people are dying. It is bad out there. I say “out there” because we have been self quarantined for about a month. We are advised to ONLY leave the house for essentials. We go grocery shopping and that is it. I hope and pray you all are staying home and safe.

Well, life still goes on and celebrations need to be celebrated, especially if you have young children. Easter is around the corner and although it is scary out there I want to make it magical for my daughters. It is my duty to make their childhood magical. This is their time to feel butterflies in their tummies, to have twinkles in their eyes, and to feel warmth in their hearts. It is my job to do that and I am more than grateful to have this calling. Thankfully, the grocery store has many things to make/bake/do for this beautiful season so when you are out there buying your groceries, head for the Easter aisle.

Resurrection Garden

My family celebrates the Holy Week by reading the scriptures and having little daily activities leading to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. Last year on Easter I was 2 weeks postpartum. I was dealing with Postpartum Depression and issues with my bladder. It was a rough time. I decided to build a resurrection garden with my toddler. It brought me so much joy and peace. I know He died for me and He lives for me, for all of us. I use this beautiful resurrection garden as a center piece on my dinning table. It is a great reminder of what this Easter season is truly about.

Items Needed: Large Clay Flower Holder, Small Clay Pot, Moss, Big Rock, Small Rocks, Glue Gun.

Easter Symbols (Free Printable)

Yes, Easter is the most important day that has happened for ALL MANKIND but it is also a holiday that children can fantasize about the Easter Bunny dropping off eggs in your OWN backyard. How magical is that? It is like a a spring Santa Claus. Also, do you know that bunnies, eggs, candy, spring flowers are symbolic? I made a simple PDF Easter symbols list for y’all.

Click the link below for this FREE printable
Easter Symbols

Easter Bunny Graham Cracker Treat

Anyways, I also wanted to do some Easter treats with my girls. I looked up on Pinterest and found the cutest little graham cracker chick/bunny peep house. When I was at the grocery store I bought peeps and chocolate eggs ( I had all other items at home).

My husband and I tried to build these little homes and it was a bust! I used my lemon cream cheese frosting that was used for the birthday cake I made my one year old. It just did not work. So I decided to just put one graham cracker on the plate and the rest is history.

The Final Product


Graham Crackers

Peep bunnies

Chocolate Robin Eggs



Green food coloring (not in picture)

This is such an easy and fun Easter treat to make. You put the graham cracker on a plate, drip a few drops of green food coloring in the frosting, then spread it on the graham cracker. After you get your peep bunny, add a bit of frosting at the bottom and place the bunny wherever you’d like. Add sprinkles and your robin eggs and you have the Easter Bunny delivering eggs!

We had so much fun making these darling little treats. My toddler, Thalia, was amazed to see such “baby” eggs. She kept holding the little robin eggs and saying, “Awww baby egg.” As for my one year old, she did not make one. I’m sorry, but I did not feel like cleaning off green frosting off her hands and arms haha. She just sat there eating her blueberry yogurt bites and she was dang happy. Her time will come when she gets to participate 100%.

The world can be a dark place to live in, but remember the light is within you. You are the light. Make magical moments with your children, your partner, your family, yourself. Shine your light and help others on their way.

Thanks for chasing the radiance with me. We got this.

Happy Easter and remember that HE LIVES.


Rudyko Taylor

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