So how crazy are things right now?? Super crazy. School’s out, nonessential stores are closed, the lines at Costco are insane. Ah, and the limited toilet paper, too.

I’m sure you can think of 5,472 more things!

Oh, and there’s social distancing! Duh. The reason for all this…to keep away from people who may be contagious. Yup, we are all self quarantining (or at least we should be) until COVID-19 settles down.

Serious Social Distancing

Earlier this week my parents stopped by to drop off a 20 pound bag of oranges, lots of bacon, shrimp, and top sirloin…Yes, even through a pandemic my parents are still giving us loads of food. My dad dropped it off in front of our house and went back to his car. My mom was sitting in the passenger seat. They called us to let us know they were there so we could go to the front yard and see us from a distance. They miss us, especially their grand-babies. She couldn’t stop crying. We came outside and hung out in our yard while my parents were watching at us play with the girls. It was so surreal. I couldn’t hug my dad and mom, that has NEVER happened in my life. I’ve never seen my parents and not hugged them. It was weird. But this is how serious we are taking this “social distancing.” I have faith that we will all overcome this, but for now, we listen to state officials.

It brings me so much joy to go on Facebook and Instagram to see pictures of families walking, playing board games, putting together puzzles, and just being more intentional with family time. It saddens me that people have to suffer and die, that borders have to be shut, that some small businesses are closing, and that we all have to follow “safe at home” guidelines. But this has been such an amazing learning experience. We are all growing from this and I pray that it will not go in vain.

Spring Quarantine Bucket List

I made this darling “Spring 2020 Quarantine Bucket List” for all you mamas with kiddos/husbands/pretty much anybody at home to do! As you know I love activities that are cheap so you wont need much to cross off this bucket list! I have done most of the items on this list throughout motherhood and I have enjoyed each and every one of them!

Click the link below for this FREE printable

Spring 2020 Quarantine Bucket List

I hope you enjoy these simple and fun things to do with your kiddos (or anybody from home). I will be starting this bucket list on Monday, March 30th! I will be posting each activity on my social media. I hope you all will join and please tag me as you do! I would very much appreciate that!

Thank you to those who have subscribed, I see you and I am grateful that you are chasing the radiance with me.


Rudyko Taylor

2 thoughts on “Spring 2020 Quarantine Bucket List (FREE PRINTABLE)

  1. Who would have ever thought 2020 had this in store. I’m sure your parent’s loved watching the girls play but I pray that the day comes when we can all reunite and hug our loved ones again. I love the list you provided. I’ve been thinking of having a picnic in the backyard! That would be fun. Stay safe. xoxo


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